173 research outputs found

    Dissolved major and trace elements in meteoric depositions on the flanks of Mt. Etna (Italy): the impact of volcanic activity on the environment

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    In the framework of the “Save the Etna World” research project, which investigates the impact of the volcanic activity on the surrounding environment, three bulk collectors were deployed on the flank of the Mt. Etna volcano to collect the meteoric depositions. The sampling sites were at distances between 5.5 and 13 km from the summit vents of the volcano on its eastern flank, that is the most exposed to the volcanic plume due to the high-altitude prevailing winds direction. The sites were selected in order to have a gradient of exposition with respect to the volcanic emissions, the most exposed being CIT, the intermediate ILI and the least NIC. Samples were collected monthly from July 2017 to July 2018 and analysed for major ions and for a large suite of trace elements. The influence of volcanic emissions is evidenced by the low pH of the collected depositions in the most exposed site, showing values mostly below 3.5 and never exceeding 5.72. The lowest values are related to high fluoride, chloride and sulfate concentrations in the collected water, deriving from the acid gases (HF, HCl and SO2) of the volcanic plume. The other two sites show pH values in range from 3.95 to 7.21. While the lowest values indicate a lower but significant volcanic influence, the highest values can be related to the dissolution of geogenic (mainly carbonate) particulate of local or regional (Saharan) origin. The latter process is evidenced by high concentrations of Ca and HCO3 in the samples with the highest pHs. Trace elements show almost all higher concentrations in the most exposed site. Highly volatile elements like Pb, Te and Tl, which are known to have strong enrichment factors in volcanic plumes with respect to the average upper crust composition, are found at CIT at concentrations always at least one order of magnitude higher than at NIC. Also lithophile elements like Si, Al, Ti and Fe are sometimes strongly enriched at CIT deriving from the interaction of the acid gases of the plume with the occasionally emitted volcanic ash. These new results confirm the importance of meteoric deposition as main carrier of volcanogenic elements to earth’s surface. “Etna World” is a fascinating natural laboratory, and the study of atmospheric depositions in this peculiar environment allows to understand better the general processes that influence the cycles of trace metals. Furthermore, the quantitative estimation of both emission and deposition of volcanogenic elements is a key factor for complementary studies on the geochemical mobility of trace elements and their distribution between atmosphere, soils, vegetation, and lastly, animals and humans in active volcanic areas

    A generalized finite-strain damage model for quasi-incompressible hyperelasticity using hybrid formulation

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    A new generalized damage model for quasi‐incompressible hyperelasticity in a total Lagrangian finite‐strain framework is presented. A Kachanov‐like reduction factor (1 − D) is applied on the deviatoric part of the hyperelastic constitutive model. Linear and exponential softening are defined as damage evolution laws, both describable in terms of only two material parameters. The model is formulated following continuum damage mechanics theory such that it can be particularized for any hyperelastic model based on the volumetric–isochoric split of the Helmholtz free energy. However, in the present work, it has been implemented in an in‐house finite element code for neo‐Hooke and Ogden hyperelasticity. The details of the hybrid formulation used are also described. A couple of three‐dimensional examples are presented to illustrate the main characteristics of the damage model. The results obtained reproduce a wide range of softening behaviors, highlighting the versatility of the formulation proposed. The damage formulation has been developed to be used in conjunction with mixing theory in order to model the behavior of fibered biological tissues. As an example, the markedly different behaviors of the fundamental components of the rectus sheath were reproduced using the damage model, obtaining excellent correlation with the experimental results from literature

    Dynamical analysis of long fiber-reinforced laminated plates with elastically restrained edges

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    This paper presents a variational formulation for the free vibration analysis of unsymmetrically laminated composite plates with elastically restrained edges. The study includes a micromechanics approach that allows starting the study considering each layer as constituted by long unidirectional fibers in a continuous matrix. The Mori-Tanaka method is used to predict the mechanical properties of each lamina as a function of the elastic properties of the components and of the fiber volume fraction. The resulting mechanical properties for each lamina are included in a general Ritz formulation developed to analyze the free vibration response of thick laminated anisotropic plates resting on elastic supports. Comprehensive numerical examples are computed to validate the present method, and the effects of the different mechanical and geometrical parameters on the dynamical behavior of different laminated plates are shown. New results for general unsymmetrical laminates with elastically restrained edges are also presented. The analytical approximate solution obtained in this paper can also be useful as a basis to deal with optimization problems under, for instance, frequency constraints

    A homeostatic-driven turnover remodelling constitutive model for healing in soft tissues

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    All rights reserved. Remodelling of soft biological tissue is characterized by interacting biochemical and biomechanical events, which change the tissue's microstructure, and, consequently, its macroscopic mechanical properties. Remodelling is a well-defined stage of the healing process, and aims at recovering or repairing the injured extracellular matrix. Like other physiological processes, remodelling is thought to be driven by homeostasis, i.e. it tends to re-establish the properties of the uninjured tissue. However, homeostasis may never be reached, such that remodelling may also appear as a continuous pathological transformation of diseased tissues during aneurysm expansion, for example. A simple constitutive model for soft biological tissues that regards remodelling as homeostatic-driven turnover is developed. Specifically, the recoverable effective tissue damage, whose rate is the sum of a mechanical damage rate and a healing rate, serves as a scalar internal thermodynamic variable. In order to integrate the biochemical and biomechanical aspects of remodelling, the healing rate is, on the one hand, driven by mechanical stimuli, but, on the other hand, subjected to simple metabolic constraints. The proposed model is formulated in accordance with continuum damage mechanics within an open-system thermodynamics framework. The numerical implementation in an in-house finite-element code is described, particularized for Ogden hyperelasticity. Numerical examples illustrate the basic constitutive characteristics of the model and demonstrate its potential in representing aspects of remodelling of soft tissues. Simulation results are verified for their plausibility, but also validated against reported experimental data. Remodelling of soft biological tissue is characterized by interacting biochemical and biomechanical events, which change the tissue's microstructure, and, consequently, its macroscopic mechanical properties. Remodelling is a well-defined stage of the healing process, and aims at recovering or repairing the injured extracellular matrix. Like other physiological processes, remodelling is thought to be driven by homeostasis, i.e. it tends to re-establish the properties of the uninjured tissue. However, homeostasis may never be reached, such that remodelling may also appear as a continuous pathological transformation of diseased tissues during aneurysm expansion, for example. A simple constitutive model for soft biological tissues that regards remodelling as homeostatic-driven turnover is developed. Specifically, the recoverable effective tissue damage, whose rate is the sum of a mechanical damage rate and a healing rate, serves as a scalar internal thermodynamic variable. In order to integrate the biochemical and biomechanical aspects of remodelling, the healing rate is, on the one hand, driven by mechanical stimuli, but, on the other hand, subjected to simple metabolic constraints. The proposed model is formulated in accordance with continuum damage mechanics within an open-system thermodynamics framework. The numerical implementation in an in-house finite-element code is described, particularized for Ogden hyperelasticity. Numerical examples illustrate the basic constitutive characteristics of the model and demonstrate its potential in representing aspects of remodelling of soft tissues. Simulation results are verified for their plausibility, but also validated against reported experimental data

    A general constitutive model for vascular tissue considering stress driven growth and biological availability

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    Some of the key factors that regulate growth and remodeling of tissues are fundamentally mechanical. However, it is important to take into account the role of biological availability to generate new tissue together with the stresses and strains in the processes of natural or pathological growth. In this sense, the model presented in this work is oriented to describe growth of vascular tissue under "stress driven growth" considering biological availability of the organism. The general theoretical framework is given by a kinematic formulation in large strain combined with the thermodynamic basis of open systems. The formulation uses a multiplicative decomposition of deformation gradient, splitting it in a growth part and visco-elastic part. The strains due to growth are incompatible and are controlled by unbalanced stresses related to a homeostatic state. Growth implies a volume change with an increase of mass maintaining constant the density. One of the most interesting features of the proposed model is the generation of new tissue taking into account the contribution of mass to the system controlled through the biological availability. Because soft biological tissues in general have a hierarchical structure with several components (usually a soft matrix reinforced with collagen fibers), the developed growth model is suitable for the growth characterization of each component. This allows considering a different behavior for each of them in the context of a generalized theory of mixtures

    A geochemical traverse along the “Sperchios Basin e Evoikos Gulf” graben (Central Greece): Origin and evolution of the emitted fluids

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    The studied area is a 130 km long fast spreading graben in Central Greece. Its complex geodynamical setting includes both the presence of a subduction slab at depth responsible for the recent (Quaternary) volcanic activity in the area and the western termination of a tectonic lineament of regional importance (the North-Anatolian fault). A high geothermal gradient is made evident by the presence of many thermal springs with temperatures from 19 to 82 C, that discharge along the normal faults bordering the graben. In the period 2004e2012, 58 gas and 69 water samples were collected and their chemical and isotopic analysis revealed a wide range of compositions. Two main groups of thermal waters can be distinguished on the basis of their chemical composition. The first, represented by dilute waters (E.C. <0.6 mS/cm) of the westernmost sites, is characterised by the presence of CH4-rich and mixed N2eCH4 gases. The second displays higher salinities (E.C. from 12 to 56 mS/cm) due to mixing with a modified marine component. Reservoir temperatures of 150e160 C were estimated with cationic geothermometers at the easternmost sites. Along the graben, from west to east, the gas composition changes from CH4- to CO2-dominated through mixed N2eCH4 and N2eCO2 compositions, while at the same time the He isotopic composi- tion goes from typical crustal values (<0.1 R/RA) up to 0.87 R/RA, showing in the easternmost sites a small (3e11%) but significant mantle input. The d13C values of the CO2-rich samples suggest a mixed origin (mantle and marine carbonates)

    Modelo para el anålisis estructural del comportamiento de mampostería mediante técnicas de homogeneización

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    En este trabajo se presenta un modelo para el anĂĄlisis del comportamiento estructural de la mamposterĂ­a basado en una tĂ©cnica de homogeneizaciĂłn fenomenolĂłgica. La rigidez, la resistencia y demĂĄs propiedades mecĂĄnicas de los materiales componentes intervienen activamente en la definiciĂłn del comportamiento y el modo de falla del conjunto, por lo que resulta necesario recurrir a mĂ©todos y tĂ©cnicas que permitan representar y reproducir el comportamiento tanto lineal como no-lineal del compuesto, ya sea a travĂ©s de micro-modelos o macro-modelos. En este estudio, en particular, se emplean macro-modelos basados en tĂ©cnicas de homogeneizaciĂłn, que permiten representar el comportamiento del compuesto sorteando las heterogeneidades presentes en la mayorĂ­a de los materiales estructurales, tratando al mismo como un material homogĂ©neo anisĂłtropo con propiedades medias (homogeneizadas). AsĂ­ es posible derivar el comportamiento global de la estructura a partir del comportamiento de los materiales constituyentes adoptando modelos constitutivos diferentes para cada uno de ellos. En este trabajo, la tĂ©cnica de homogeneizaciĂłn que se utiliza es apropiada para aquellos materiales que tienen una configuraciĂłn periĂłdica y permite trabaja en dos escalas: una escala micromecĂĄnica, donde quedan especificadas las propiedades mecĂĄnicas y geomĂ©tricas de los materiales componentes, y una escala macromecĂĄnica en la cual el material es tratado como si fuese homogĂ©neo. Concretamente en este trabajo, en el que se modelan estructuras de mamposterĂ­a periĂłdica se consideran dos componentes: ladrillo y juntas de mortero. En particular, para el mortero, se emplea un modelo de daño que considera degradaciĂłn diferenciada para las partes volumĂ©trica y desviadora del tensor constitutivo, el cual fue propuesto previamente por los autores. El trabajo se completa con una serie de ejemplos que permiten apreciar los resultados obtenidos en paneles de mamposterĂ­a de ladrillos sometidos a cargas horizontales, a travĂ©s de un anĂĄlisis push-over, en combinaciĂłn con distintos niveles de cargas verticales de pre-compresiĂłn inicial. Estos resultados permiten analizar la evoluciĂłn del daño con el nivel de carga y los modos de falla de los paneles, con distintas combinaciones de carga y relaciones de aspecto.Fil: Quinteros, Ricardo Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - Salta. Instituto de Investigaciones Para la Industria QuĂ­mica. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de IngenierĂ­a. Instituto de Investigaciones Para la Industria QuĂ­mica; ArgentinaFil: Bellomo, Facundo Javier. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - Salta. Instituto de Investigaciones Para la Industria QuĂ­mica. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de IngenierĂ­a. Instituto de Investigaciones Para la Industria QuĂ­mica; ArgentinaFil: Nallim, Liz. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - Salta. Instituto de Investigaciones Para la Industria QuĂ­mica. Universidad Nacional de Salta. Facultad de IngenierĂ­a. Instituto de Investigaciones Para la Industria QuĂ­mica; ArgentinaFil: Oller, Sergio. Universidad PolitĂ©cnica de Catalunya. Institut de RobĂČtica I InformĂ tica Industrial.; Españ

    The fluids’ geochemistry along the "Sperchios Basin - Northern Evoikos Gulf" Graben, a geodynamically complex area of Central Greece

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    The study area is a 130 km long fast spreading graben in Central Greece. Its complex geodynamical setting includes both the presence at depth of a subduction slab responsible for the recent (Quaternary) volcanic activity in the area and the western termination of a tectonic lineament of regional importance (the North-Anatolian fault). Its high geothermal gradient is evidenced by the presence of many thermal springs with temperatures from 19 to 82 C, issuing along the normal faults bordering the graben. In the period 2004-2012 about 50 gas and water samples have been collected and their chemical and isotopic analysis revealed a wide range of compositions. Going from west to east the gas composition changes from CH4- to CO2-dominated passing through mixed N2- CH4 and N2-CO2 compositions, while at the same time the He isotopic composition goes from typical crustal values (0.05 R/Ra) up to 0.87 R/Ra (corrected for air contamination), showing in the easternmost sites a small but significant mantle input. Isotopic composition of CH4-C indicates a thermogenic origin for the CH4-rich samples and hydrothermal origin for the remaining samples. Positive 15N values indicate a contribution of crustal derived nitrogen for the N2-rich samples. The 13C values of most the CO2-enriched samples show a mixed origin (mantle and marine carbonates). Also the chemical composition of the waters shows differences along the graben and two main groups can be separated. The first, represented by dilute waters (E.C. < 600 S/cm), is found in the westernmost sites characterised by the presence of CH4-rich and mixed N2-CH4 gases. The remaining waters display higher salinities (E.C. from 12 to 56 mS/cm) due to the mixing with a modified marine component. Only the water composition of easternmost sites in the Giggenbach’s cation triangular graph plots in the field of the partially equilibrated waters giving estimated temperatures at depth of 150-160 C.PublishedVienna, Austria4.5. Studi sul degassamento naturale e sui gas petroliferiope

    Characterization of mechanical properties of biological tissue – Application to the FEM analysis of the urinary bladder

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    An approach is presented for studying the mechanical behavior of soft biological tissue using the finite‐element method and a general constitutive model. The overall computational approach is used for the analysis of the mechanical behavior of the urinary bladder. Bladder tissue is modeled as a composite material formed by a soft matrix reinforced with preferentially oriented fibers. A procedure for identifying the mechanical properties of the main constituents of the bladder tissue by an inverse method is detailed. The mechanical parameters are used for the numerical simulation of the mechanical behavior of the bladder during filling within the finite‐element method
